December 2023 language and cultural dates for your diary


3 –      Advent Sunday, Christian

8 –      Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Catholic Christian

Rohatsu (Bodhi day) Buddhist

8-15 – Hanukkah, Judaism

Hanukkah is a very special celebration in the Jewish calendar, which takes place over eight days. Children are given gifts of money, or Gelt, and some receive a gift on each of the eight days of Hanukkah. The dreidel, a kind of spinning top, is also symbolic of this festival. Every night, a candle on the nine-stemmed menorah is lit and delicious fried foods, such as latkes, are enjoyed.

16 –    Dhanu Sankranti, Hindu

21 –    Yule, Wicca and Pagan

22 –    Gita Jayanti, Hindu

24 –    Christmas Eve, Christian

25 –    Christmas Day, Christian

Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Orthodox Christian

26 –    Feast of Saint Stephen, Christian

Zarathosht diso, Zoroastrian

28 –    Holy Innocents’ Day, Christian

31 –    Feast of the Holy Family, Catholic Christian

Watch Night, Christian


Awareness Events

1 –      World AIDS Day

This day of remembrance has taken place annually since 1988, when the world was in the grip of the AIDS epidemic. On World AIDS Day, we remember lives lost and share awareness of HIV and AIDS, to reduce stigma around sufferers. The theme this year is Rock the Ribbon; a call to everyone to wear the famous red ribbon, to show your support.

2 –      International Day for The Abolition of Slavery

3 –      International Day of Persons with Disabilities

10 –    Human Rights Day

18 –    International Migrants’ Day

As the number of displaced people globally grows, due to climate change, hunger, war and oppression, this UN-led day raises awareness of the positive contributions migrants make to their new homes, and of the importance of upholding their dignity and rights, regardless of their motivations for leaving their homes.

20 –    International Human Solidarity Day


November 2023 language and cultural dates for your diary


1 – Samhain: A Pagan and Wiccan festival marking the end of the harvest season

1 – All Saints Day/Feast of the All Saints: A day to honor all holy men and women who have been canonized in the Catholic Church

2 – Anniversary of the Crowning of Haile Selassie: The day when Haile Selassie ascended the Ethiopian throne. This is one of the holiest days in the Rastafarian year

All Souls’ Day, Christian

Coronation of Emperor Haile Selassie I, Rastafari

9 –      Feast of the Dedication of the Archbasilica, Catholic Christian

12 – Diwali: A 5-day festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains. It honors gods, goddesses, harvests, New Years, etc.

15 –    Nativity Fast begins, Orthodox Christian

19 –    Chhath Puja, Hindu

21 –    Presentation of the Theotokos, Orthodox Christian

23 –  Thanksgiving (US Independence)

24 –    Martyrdom of Guru Tegh, Bahadur Sikh

26 –    Feast of Christ the King, Christian

Day of the Covenant, Baha’i

27 – Guru Nanak Ji’s Birthday: A day commemorating the birth of Guru Nanak Ji who founded Sikhism

27 – Jain New Year: A day celebrated on the first day after the month of Kartika.

28 –    Ascension of Abdu’l–Bahá, Baha’i

30 – St. Andrew’s Feast Day (patron saint of Scotland, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Barbados, and Romania), Christian


Awareness Events

Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Month

National Family Caregivers’ Month

National Diabetes Month

National Career Development Month

2 – National Stress Awareness Day

5 – World Tsunami Awareness Day

6-10 – Talk Money Week

Living Wage Week

8 –  Intersex Day of Solidarity

9 – International Day against Fascism and AntiSemitism

9 – World Adoption Day

10 – World Science Day for Peace and Development

11 –    Armistice Day

12 –   Remembrance Sunday

12-19 –    UK Inter Faith Week

13 –    World Kindness Day

13-19 Transgender Awareness Week

14 –    World Diabetes Day

16 –    International Day for Tolerance

16 Nov-15 Dec – Disability History Month

19 –    International Men’s Day

20 –    World Children’s Day

Transgender Day of Remembrance

23 – Carers Rights Day

24 – National Day of Listening

25 –    International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

28 – Giving Tuesday

October 2023 language and cultural dates for your diary


30 Sept-6 Oct – Sukkot - Judaism

The first day (and first and second days in the Diaspora) are celebrated as full holidays with prohibitions against work. The following days are called Chol Hamoed (weekdays of the festival), during which work is generally allowed and observances of Sukkot continue. This is followed by Shemini Atzeret (the “Eighth Day of Assembly”) and Simchat Torah (“Rejoicing in Torah”), which are celebrated as one day in Israel and two days in the Diaspora.

4 –    Baptism of the Prophet (Umm al-Qura) - Islam

6-8 –  Shmini Atzeret / Simchat Torah - Judaism

12 –   Bandi Chhor Divas - Sikhism

15-24 – Navaratri: A Hindu festival celebrating the Goddess Durga

16 –  Birth of the Bab: A day honoring the birthday of a co-founder of the Baha’i faith

17 –  Birth of Baha’u’llah: One of the nine holy days in the Baha’i faith that honors the birthday of one of the co-founders

20 –  Birth of the Guru Granth - Sikhism

24 –  Dussehra: The final day of 10 Hindu holy days that honors Asuj Navratras

23 –  Vijayadasham - Hinduism

31 –  All Hallows’ Eve / All Saints' Eve - Christianity

31 – Samhain (end of harvest/beginning of winter) - Pagan

Awareness And Events

Black History Month

3 – The Children's Trust's Pyjama Day (find out more about our work with the charity)

5 – World Teachers Day

10 – World Mental Health Day

10 – National Braille Week

12 – World Sight Day

18 – World Menopause Day

22 – International Stuttering/Stammering Day

22 – Wear Red Day (Show racism the red card)

September 2023 language and cultural dates for your diary

Calendar snapshots

25th – Yom Kippur, Jewish

A festival of atonement, Yom Kippur is the most sacred day in the Jewish calendar. It is marked by a 25-hour fast, continuous prayer and abstention from wearing leather shoes, make up or perfume.

23rd – International Day of Sign Languages

This UN awareness day is celebrated during the International Week of the Deaf (the last full week of September each year). It promotes the use of sign language as central to Deaf people’s human rights, and celebrates the diversity of sign languages and Deaf culture worldwide.

28th – Meskel, Ethiopian Orthodox

Meskel marks the 4th century discovery of the crucifixion cross in Jerusalem. Celebrants hold a big bonfire in Meskel Square, Addis Ababa. Worshippers from different churches across Ethiopia gather, wearing colours that represent their churches and playing musical instruments, each of which holds special meaning.


This month’s dates at a glance


7 –         Krishna Janmashtami, Hindu

8 –         Feast of the Birth of the Virgin Mary, Christian

Nativity of The Theotokos, Orthodox Christian

11 –       Paryushana Parvarambha begins, Jain

14 –       Feast of the Cross, Christian

16-17 – Rosh Hashanah, Judaism

18 –       Fast of Gedaliah, Judaism

19 –       Ganesh Chaturthi, Hindu

Samvatsari, Jain

21 –       Feast of Saint Matthew, Christian

23 –       Mabon, Wicca and Pagan

25 –       Yom Kippur, Judaism

27 –       Mawlid Al-Nabi, Islam

28 –       Meskel, Ethiopian Orthodox Christian

Anant Chaturdashi, Hindu

29 –       Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels, Christian

30 Sept-6 Oct – Sukkot, Judaism

Awareness And Events

5 – International Day of Charity

10 – World Suicide Prevention Day

18 – International Equal Pay Day

Professional Care Workers Week

19 – International Week of the Deaf

Adult Learners Week

21 – World Alzheimer’s Day

23 – Autumn Equinox

23 – International Day of Sign Languages

25 Sept-1 Oct – UK National Inclusion Week

30 Sept – National Non-Verbal Awareness Day UK

August 2023 dates for your diary

Calendar snapshots

13th-15th – Obon

This is the Buddhist celebration of ancestors. During Obon, it is thought that the dead visit the living, so celebrants hang out lanterns to guide spirits, perform dances, visit graves and make food offerings to the dead. Mainly celebrated in Japan, Obon is one of the country’s three major holidays.

23rd – International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

This day was started by Haitians and people in Gorée Island, Senegal, and then adopted by UNESCO. The date was chosen to commemorate uprisings in Haiti in 1791, led by the now legendary Toussaint Louverture, and the touchpaper for other uprisings, all of which eventually led to abolition of the Transatlantic trade. Find out more and download resources on the UNESCO site.

30th – Raksha Bandhan, Hindu/Sikh/Jain

Raksha Bandhan is tradition honouring the love and bond between siblings, referencing a legend showing love and devotion between Lord Krishna and his sister. Siblings tie a ‘rakhri’ (red thread bracelet) to each other’s wrists. This symbolises protection.


This month’s dates at a glance


1 – Lammas, Christian

Lughnasadh, Wicca and Pagan

Fast in Honour of the Holy Mother of The Lord Jesus, Orthodox Christian

2 – The 15th of Av, Judaism

6 – Feast of Transfiguration, Christian

Transfiguration of The Lord, Orthodox Christian

10 – Feast of Saint Lawrence, Christian

13-15- Obon, Buddhist

15 – Assumption of Mary, Catholic Christian

Dormition of The Theotokos, Orthodox Christian

22 – Feast of The Queenship of Mary, Catholic Christian

24 – Feast of Saint Bartholomew The Apostle, Christian

29 – Beheading of Saint John The Baptist, Christian

30 – Raksha Bandhan, Hindu


Awareness And Events

9 – International Day of The World’s Indigenous People

19 – World Humanitarian Day

22 – International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief

23 – International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

July 2023 dates for your diary

Calendar snapshots

10th – Martyrdom of the Báb

Martyrdom of the Báb remembers the execution of Sayyed ʻAlí Muḥammad Shírází, aka the Báb and one of the founders of the Bahai religion. In 1850, he was charged with apostasy by the Persian Empire and imprisoned along with his followers. He was killed by a firing squad.

14th – International Non Binary People’s Day

Since its launch in 2012, this day raises awareness of the specific issues facing non binary people. The date was chosen as it falls exactly halfway between International Women’s Day in March and International Men’s Day in November.

19th – Islamic New Year

The Islamic calendar month of Muharram is the first of the year and it renews in 2023 in the Gregorian month of July, though this changes every year. Muslims do not generally hold big celebrations on this day, however in some Muslim-majority countries it is a national holiday.

This month’s dates at a glance


3 – Feast of The Saint Thomas the Apostle, Christian

3 – Asalha Puja (Dharma Day), Buddhist

5 – Birthday of Guru Hargobind, Sikh

10 – Martyrdom of The Báb, Baha’i

15 – Saint Vladimir the Great Day, Orthodox Christian

19 – Islamic New Year, Islam

22 – Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene, Christian

23 – Birthday of Guru Har Krishan, Sikh

23 – Birthday of Emperor Haile Selassie, Rastafari

24 – Pioneer Day, Mormon Christian

25 – Saint James the Great’s Day, Christian

27 – Tish’a B’av, Judaism

28 – Ashura, Islam

 Awareness and events

14 – International Non-Binary People’s Day

18 – Nelson Mandela International Day

28 – World Hepatitis Day

June 2023 dates for your diary

Language and cultural calendar snapshots

4th – Pentecost

Pentecost celebrates the Holy Spirit appearing to Christ’s Apostles and other followers while they were celebrating the Feast of Weeks, or Shavuot. Celebrants pray all night and feast the following day – overindulgence is encouraged!

22nd  – UK Windrush Day

Marking the 75th anniversary since the famous ship’s arrival to UK shores, this day honours the contribution of Caribbean migrants to this country, and raises awareness of the scandal where so many have in recent years been illegally deported and stripped of their rights in this country.

24th – Litha

Litha is the Pagan and Wicca name for the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Those celebrating believe that faeries cross over to our realm and offer blessings. It is also a time to rejoice in the abundance of early summer. Traditionally, fires were lit to encourage the sun in its journey and to welcome the second half of the year.


This month’s dates at a glance



4 –      Pentecost, Orthodox Christian

Trinity Sunday, Christian

8 –      The Feast of Corpus Christi, Catholic Christian

12 –    The Apostles’ Fast, Orthodox Christian

16 –    Feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Catholic Christian

Martyrdom Of Guru Arjan Dev, Sikh

24 –    Litha, Wicca and Pagan

Nativity Of Saint John the Baptist, Christian

27 -1 Jul – Hajj, Islam

28 – Waqf Al Arafa, Islam

29 – Feast of Saints Peter And Paul, Christian

29 -2 Jul – Eid Al-Adha, Islam

 Awareness and events

4 –      International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

10 –    Global Wellness Day

11 –    Race Unity Day

12 –    World Day Against Child Labour

12-18 – Men’s Health Week

15 –    World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

18 –    Autistic Pride Day

Father’s Day

19-25 – Refugee Week

20 –    World Refugee Day

21 –    Summer Solstice

22 –    UK Windrush Day

26-30 – School Diversity Week