December 2023 language and cultural dates for your diary


3 –      Advent Sunday, Christian

8 –      Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Catholic Christian

Rohatsu (Bodhi day) Buddhist

8-15 – Hanukkah, Judaism

Hanukkah is a very special celebration in the Jewish calendar, which takes place over eight days. Children are given gifts of money, or Gelt, and some receive a gift on each of the eight days of Hanukkah. The dreidel, a kind of spinning top, is also symbolic of this festival. Every night, a candle on the nine-stemmed menorah is lit and delicious fried foods, such as latkes, are enjoyed.

16 –    Dhanu Sankranti, Hindu

21 –    Yule, Wicca and Pagan

22 –    Gita Jayanti, Hindu

24 –    Christmas Eve, Christian

25 –    Christmas Day, Christian

Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Orthodox Christian

26 –    Feast of Saint Stephen, Christian

Zarathosht diso, Zoroastrian

28 –    Holy Innocents’ Day, Christian

31 –    Feast of the Holy Family, Catholic Christian

Watch Night, Christian


Awareness Events

1 –      World AIDS Day

This day of remembrance has taken place annually since 1988, when the world was in the grip of the AIDS epidemic. On World AIDS Day, we remember lives lost and share awareness of HIV and AIDS, to reduce stigma around sufferers. The theme this year is Rock the Ribbon; a call to everyone to wear the famous red ribbon, to show your support.

2 –      International Day for The Abolition of Slavery

3 –      International Day of Persons with Disabilities

10 –    Human Rights Day

18 –    International Migrants’ Day

As the number of displaced people globally grows, due to climate change, hunger, war and oppression, this UN-led day raises awareness of the positive contributions migrants make to their new homes, and of the importance of upholding their dignity and rights, regardless of their motivations for leaving their homes.

20 –    International Human Solidarity Day