October 2023 language and cultural dates for your diary


30 Sept-6 Oct – Sukkot – Judaism

The first day (and first and second days in the Diaspora) are celebrated as full holidays with prohibitions against work. The following days are called Chol Hamoed (weekdays of the festival), during which work is generally allowed and observances of Sukkot continue. This is followed by Shemini Atzeret (the “Eighth Day of Assembly”) and Simchat Torah (“Rejoicing in Torah”), which are celebrated as one day in Israel and two days in the Diaspora.

4 –    Baptism of the Prophet (Umm al-Qura) – Islam

6-8 –  Shmini Atzeret / Simchat Torah – Judaism

12 –   Bandi Chhor Divas – Sikhism

15-24 – Navaratri: A Hindu festival celebrating the Goddess Durga

16 –  Birth of the Bab: A day honoring the birthday of a co-founder of the Baha’i faith

17 –  Birth of Baha’u’llah: One of the nine holy days in the Baha’i faith that honors the birthday of one of the co-founders

20 –  Birth of the Guru Granth – Sikhism

24 –  Dussehra: The final day of 10 Hindu holy days that honors Asuj Navratras

23 –  Vijayadasham – Hinduism

31 –  All Hallows’ Eve / All Saints’ Eve – Christianity

31 – Samhain (end of harvest/beginning of winter) – Pagan

Awareness And Events

Black History Month

3 – The Children’s Trust’s Pyjama Day (find out more about our work with the charity)

5 – World Teachers Day

10 – World Mental Health Day

10 – National Braille Week

12 – World Sight Day

18 – World Menopause Day

22 – International Stuttering/Stammering Day

22 – Wear Red Day (Show racism the red card)