Service under the Spotlight: On Demand Telephone Interpreting

Each month, we will be getting better acquainted with a TLS service; when and why you might need it, how to book it and how to make the most of the booking.

You may be new to the world of booking language support, or perhaps you book the same service each time because you don’t know what else is out there, or perhaps you have never considered that something different might work for you – this is for you!

In this issue, we are looking at our On Demand Telephone Interpreting. This is arranged by calling up our designated ODTI line and we will connect you by phone to an interpreter at any time of day, with no notice needed.

It is for you if:

You need an interpreter at short notice.

It is not for you if:

You need an interpreter for a more sensitive or complex subject, where body language, visual cues or establishing trust may be important.

When it works best:

As participants in the conversation cannot see each other, this kind of interpreting works best for simple and brief interactions, eg a ten minute GP appointment for a minor illness.

Tips to get the most from your booking:

  • To make sure everyone can be heard well, try to choose a location that is quiet and use a landline rather than a mobile where possible
  • Introductions are even more important when participants cannot see each other; ensure you do a thorough introduction at the outset of the call. If it is not obvious who is speaking, you may want each speaker to identify themselves every time they speak
  • A smile can be heard in your voice. Smiling when you talk can help to put your service user at ease with what is probably an unfamiliar situation.

If you would like to know more or make an on demand telephone booking, call our bookings team for guidance and support on 0808 175 1230.

TLS launches personal safety training for interpreters

Last month, TLS hosted a breakaway training session for our British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters who work at Springfield Hospital. The breakaway course was designed to help interpreters learn how to remove themselves from potential harm. The training provided simple, effective skills and knowledge that will help interpreters understand how to safely disengage themselves from aggressive situations.

We are committed to the continuous professional development of our interpreters, with many training events taking place throughout the year.

If you would like to join our interpreter webinar, or know someone else who would, please get in touch by emailing

#StressAwarenessMonth: Taking the stress out of finding and booking an interpreter

April is Stress Awareness Month, so we wanted to take the opportunity to highlight how The Language Shop (tls) aims to take the stress out of finding and booking an interpreter in settings like hospitals, GP surgeries and schools for our UK public sector clients including local authorities and NHS Trusts.

As a leading language services provider with more than 30 years’ experience and a social enterprise with social values, we are acutely aware of how stressful it can be to find an interpreter with the relevant language, qualifications and skills, in the right location at the right time. It is often critical that a vulnerable person has this language-based support to access vital public services, which can add to the urgency and stress.

Our market-leading, all-in-one booking and management system, TLS Vista, and our on-ward tablet hardware, TLS Prism, makes it easy to get instant access to our pool of over 1700 experienced UK-based interpreters with 250 languages and British Sign Language for face-to-face, video or telephone assignments.

Our recent NHS customer satisfaction survey found that:

  • tls Interpreters are on time for 98% of appointments
  • 99% of interpreter appointments booked with us were rated as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’
  • 5% of respondents believe that tls bookings are 'easy to arrange’

The fact that everyone from our responsive helpdesk staff to the interpreters themselves have relevant experience in the field they’re dealing with also reassures our clients that we are a safe pair of hands.

But it’s not just those finding and booking language services that are under pressure, interpreters themselves are often under huge stress. That’s why we make interpreter wellbeing a top priority so that they can most effectively support vulnerable people. We offer a counselling hotline and other mental health support, as well as fair and flexible working practices and pay.

Find out more about us here.

Meet The Team: Sonia Davda, TLS interpreter

Every month, we introduce you to one of our team. This month, meet Sonia Davda, one of our interpreters who works in Gujarati, Urdu, Hindi and English.

Tell us about the role you do for TLS.

As someone originally employed as an interpreter, I have been able to develop and grow in TLS. Not only do I assist the patients in bridging the linguistic gap between them and the health professionals in Gujarati, Hindi and Urdu, I also assist with ACE assessments in the dementia memory clinic and support the doctors and nurses in creating the reports of the patients. Working at TLS has allowed me to combine my passion for languages with my desire to support those in need of mental health care.

What's been your favourite project at TLS?

I would say that dementia is my main focus of work with the memory clinic. As someone who has seen the impact of dementia first hand through my mother's experience, I am passionate about finding ways to improve the lives of those affected by this disease. Through my work with the memory clinic, I have had the opportunity to learn more about the latest research, treatments and care strategies for dementia. In turn, using the knowledge learnt to help improve the lives of patients has been extremely rewarding for me.

What has been your biggest challenge?

One challenge has been balancing the demands of interpreting with the need for quality patient care. As an interpreter, it can be difficult to maintain a neutral position while still conveying accurate information to both patients and doctors. However, by building strong relationships with patients and actively listening to their concerns, I am better able to support them in navigating the health care system. It is my immense pleasure and privilege to be working with extremely professional and caring professionals, and I have built a great rapport with them.

If you didn’t do your current job, what would you like to do?

If I didn't do my current job, I would love to become an interior designer. Designing my own home and Zen garden has been a passion of mine, and I find it extremely fulfilling to create a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Such work would allow me to use my creativity, attention to detail and problem-solving skills to make a meaningful difference in people's lives - just like I am in my current job!

Tell us something interesting about you.

One interesting thing about me is that I have a passion for fusion cooking and art and craft. I enjoy learning about the traditional methods and techniques used in Indian cuisine and experimenting with different flavours and spices. In addition, I find great joy in creating unique pieces of art and craft, such as handmade gift bags, greeting cards, artificial floral displays, decorating mirrors, candles. Creating “Best from waste” is my passion. When I'm not cooking or crafting, you can find me with my nose buried in a historical novel. I love exploring different time periods and immersing myself in the cultures of the past. I also enjoy penning down my philosophical thoughts in the form of poems. Whilst I was in India on my holidays, I learned to play the table, an Indian musical instrument.

If you could meet someone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

If I could meet someone, living or dead, it would be Mahatma Gandhi. As a source of inspiration to me, his unwavering commitment to justice and equality is something that I deeply admire. What I find most impressive about Gandhi is his humility and his humanity. Despite his incredible achievements, he always remained grounded and dedicated to serving others. It would be an honour to meet and learn from such a great leader and advocate for peace.

What are your ambitions for the next 12 months?

Although I am conversant with lots of medicines, I’d like to do a course on medication to enhance my knowledge and also to a do a refresher course in AMPSAR. Finally, food for thought which resonates with Thomas Odem: I have no desire to move mountains, construct monuments, or leave behind in my wake material evidence of existence but in the final recollection, if the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon anyone’s face or a touch of joy within their then in living - I have made my mark.

If you would like to be profiled, or know someone else who would, please get in touch by emailing



April dates for your diary

Calendar snapshots

4th – Mahavir Janma Kalyanak, Jain

This is one of the most important Jain festivals, celebrating the birth of Mahavir, the 24th and last spiritual teacher of the dharma in our current time cycle. Across India, statues of Mahavir are anointed and special prayers are said, with many Jains giving extra to charity on and around this day.

6-13th – Passover, Judaism

Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, is the Jewish festival celebrating the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt where they were held as slaves under Pharoah Ramses II. In a battle with the Egyptians to secure the slaves’ freedom, God had sent the Angel of Death to kill all the firstborn children. The Israelites were told to mark their doors so that their children were spared by the passing Angel; hence ‘passover’.

22nd – Eid al-Fitr, Islam

The festival that marks the end of Ramadan, Muslims believe that Eid al-Fitr was created by the Prophet Muhammed himself. It is a very lively and joyous celebration, where people dress up in new clothes, give extra to charity and share their first daytime meal for a month.

This month’s dates at a glance


2 – Palm Sunday, Christian

4 – Mahavir Janma Kalyanak, Jain

6 – Maundy Thursday, Christian

6 – Hanuman Jayanti, Hindu

6-8 – Theravada new year, Buddhist

6-13 – Passover, Judaism

7 – Good Friday, Christian

8 – Lazarus Saturday, Orthodox Christian

9 – Palm Sunday, Orthodox Christian

Easter Sunday, Christian

10 – Easter Monday, Christian

13 – Songkran, Thai new year, Buddhist

14 – Vaisakhi, Hindu and Sikh

14 – Puthandu, Hindu

Holy Friday, Orthodox Christian

16 – Pascha (Easter), Orthodox Christian

18 – Birthday of Guru Angad Dev, Sikh

Laylat al-Qadr, Islam

Yom HaShoah,Judaism

21 – First day of Ridvan, Baha’i

22 – Akshaya Tritiya, Hindu and Jain

Eid al-Fitr, Islam

23 – Saint George’s Day, Christian

25 – Yom HaZikaron, Judaism

25 – Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist, Catholic Christian

26 – Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Judaism

29 – Ninth day of Ridvan, Baha’i

30 – Saint James the Great’s Day, Orthodox Christian

Awareness and events

1 – April Fool’s Day

2 – World Autism Awareness Day

6 – International Asexuality Day

7 – World Health Day

8 – International Romani Day

22 – Earth Day

24-30 – Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week

25 – World Malaria Day

26 – Lesbian Visibility Day

28 – World Day for Health and Safety At Work

Rare Language Fact File: Hawaiian

Native to:  Hawaii

Number of native speakers:   Approx 2,000

Spoken by:  native Hawaiians

Learn some:

You might think that ‘aloha’ means ‘hello’, but the word actually has many meanings, including ‘love’, ‘peace’ and ‘mercy’. It also has religious and deep cultural significance. To play it safe, it’s best to greet Hawaiians with ‘mahalo’ (pronounced mah-hah-loh), which does just mean hello

Interesting facts:

Hawaiian only has 13 letters in its alphabet, exactly half the number of the English alphabet. It also has a glottal stop, called the Okina. A glottal stop is the sound Londoners make when they don’t pronounce their t’s; eg if the word ‘bottle’ as pronounced by an eastender was transcribed into Hawaiian, it would like something like ‘bo’le’.

  • Enforced use of English after the islands were colonised drove native language usage down, but since as early as 1945, there have been moves to save the Hawaiian language. Now it is taught in schools and used in higher academic settings.
  • This is a broadly positive thing, however the academic Hawaiian is distinctly different from informal, spoken Hawaiian. There is now a debate over which language is the authentic version to be preserved. Some argue that academic Hawaiian, the one most likely to be granted official status, is polluted by foreign interference and the grammar is too standardised, following colonial and Western norms.

The Language Shop provides support in any language you may need, including many of the rarer ones. Please speak to your account manager about your requirements.


Celebrations Around the World: Easter


Easter celebrates the resurrection (rising from the dead) of Jesus Christ, following his crucifixion and burial.


Easter is one of the most important festivals for Christians, as they view Christ’s resurrection as proof that he is the Son of God and Messiah. It gave his followers new hope and renewed faith.


Easter Sunday follows Holy Week, which is week of special religious observances, beginning the Sunday before Easter with Palm Sunday (Jesus’s entry to Jerusalem), Spy Wednesday (the betrayal of Jesus by Judas), Maundy Thursday (the Last Supper) and Good Friday (the crucifixion). People celebrate by attending a special church service and exchanging gifts that signify new life, such as chocolate eggs. Seasonal food such as lamb, hot cross buns or simnel cake is sometimes eaten. In many European cultures, there is special bread or cake cooked at Easter.

We always love to hear from customers about their own celebrations. Please get in touch if you have observed any of April’s festivals and would like to share stories or photos with us!


Service under the Spotlight: Translation and transcription

Each month, we will be getting better acquainted with a TLS service; when and why you might need it, how to book it and how to make the most of the booking.

You may be new to the world of booking language support, or perhaps you book the same service each time because you don’t know what else is out there, or perhaps you have never considered that something different might work for you – this is for you!

In this issue, we are looking at our translation and transcription service.

It is for you if:

You have a document that you need to send to a service user that cannot read English, or an audio file that you need in the written word.

Our translators will quickly and efficiently turn your document into the target language, localising anything that needs it (eg explaining any cultural references for an non-English audience).

Transcribers will take your audio file and type it up for you.

It is not for you if:

You really need a live conversation. A translation is not a substitute for an interpreted conversation; for example, if you are working in health care, it is better to use an interpreter than to translate information on a patient’s condition, which may leave them with questions you cannot answer.

If you want us to support a live conversation, please speak to our bookings team for a solution.

When it works best:

In any situation where the written word cannot be understood by you or your service user, or where audio files are not an appropriate format (eg you need a written transcript from a long, recorded meeting).

Tips to get the most from your booking:

If you are commissioning a translation for a service user, always check beforehand that they can read the language they speak. Sometimes people will speak one language and read another.

  • Providing the translator with any extra information you think may be relevant will help them to understand the job better, eg your audience, any context or technical information.
  • Our translators work fast, but please remember that this process can take more time than interpreting. If you are in a hurry, let the team know and we will do everything we can to assist you.

Call our bookings team for guidance and support on 0808 175 1230.


March dates for your diary

Calendar snapshots

7th – Purim, Judaism

Purim celebrates an ancient victory of the Jewish people over their enemies and persecutors. People dress up, give money to charity and share a Purim feast and gifts with family and friends.

14th – Nanakshahi, Sikhism

The Sikh Nanakshahi calendar was introduced in 2003, so that celebrations always fall on the same date in the Gregorian calendar. It is named after Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. Special prayers are held in Gurdwaras to usher in the new year.

23nd  - Ramadan, Islam

Muslims fast during this holy month, to feel closer to God and remember the suffering of others. Muslims also attend special services at their mosque, endeavour to read the entire Qur’an and give more to charity (Zakat).

This month’s dates at a glance


1 – St David’s day, Christian

2 – Nineteen day fast begins, Baha’i

5 – Feast of Orthodoxy, Orthodox Christian

6 – Magha Puja, Buddhist

7 – Holika Dahan, Hindu

7 – Purim, Judaism

8 – Lailat al Bara’ah, Islam

8 – Holi, Hindu

8-10 – Hola Mohalla Sikh

14 – Nanakshahi (new year), Sikh

17 – St Patrick’s day, Christian

19 – Feast of Saint Joseph, Christian

20 – Ostara, Wicca and Pagan

20 – Nowruz (new year), Persian and Zoroastrian

21 – Naw-Rúz, Bahá’í

22 – Chaitra Navratri begins, Hindu

22 – Ugadi (new year), Hindu

23 – Ramadan begins, Islam

25 – Annunciation to the Theotokos, Orthodox Christian

25 – Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, Christian

26 – Khordad Sal, Zoroastrian

28 – Navpad Oli begins, Jain

30 – Rama Navami, Hindu

 Awareness and events

1 –      Zero Discrimination Day

Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD)

International Wheelchair Day

3 – World Hearing Day

8 – International Women’s Day

8-10 – TUC’s Women’s Conference

19 – Mother’s Day

20 – Spring Equinox

20 – International Day of Happiness

21 – International Day for The Elimination of Racial Discrimination

21 – World Down Syndrome Day

24 – World Tuberculosis (TB) Day

25 – International Day of Remembrance of The Victims of Slavery and The Transatlantic Slave Trade

27 Mar-2 Apr – World Autism Acceptance Week

30 – World Bipolar Day

31 – International Trans Day of Visibility


Rare Language Fact File: Nicaraguan Sign Language

Native to:   Nicaragua, originating in the Managua region

Number of native speakers:   approx. 3,000

Spoken by:   Deaf Nicaraguans

Learn some:  Find out more about this unique language and learn some signs by watching this one minute film.

Interesting facts:

  • In the aftermath of the 1980s Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua, the new administration implemented huge literacy programmes. Deaf children were brought together in a special school to learn Spanish. However, outside of classes, the children began to develop their own sign language. The younger children took the vocabulary created by their older peers and built a grammatical system, which was then adopted by the older children. Linguists came to study the children and their language from across the world.
  • Nicaraguan sign language (NSL) is absolutely unique, in that it is the only language ever to have been created without any other linguistic influences and recorded from its inception.
  • NSL was born in the political isolation of the revolution; this is a reason often cited for the language’s survival to this day, whereas other local and regional sign languages have been replaced by American Sign Language (ASL). In neighbouring Costa Rica, for example, ASL is the usual first language for deaf people.

The Language Shop provides support in any language you may need, including many of the rarer ones. Please speak to your account manager about your requirements.