On the calendar – important dates for your calendar (May)

20/21 – Litha, Pagan/Wiccan

Litha marks the summer solstice – the longest day of the year. For pagans, it is a celebration of the sun and the light and energy it brings to all life. Many celebrate by lighting bonfires or staying up all night to watch the sun rise. There is a big celebration of the solstice every year at Stonehenge, where the famous stones align perfectly with the rising sun. 

22 – UK Windrush Day 

Every year, Windrush Day marks the anniversary of the first 800+ post-War Caribbean migrants’ arrival in Britain, on HMS Windrush. 

At the time of arrival these migrants were British subjects who were invited to help rebuild the country after WW2. However, many of these people later had their citizenship wrongly removed in what is known as the Windrush Scandal. Windrush Day honours their contribution and highlights the injustices of the scandal. Small grants are available to community groups wishing to celebrate the day; read more here.

FREE online events 

Regional health inequalities Tickets, Wed 5 Jun 2024 at 13:00 | Eventbrite Three ten-minute talks covering the health inequalities between the English regions. 

Supporting Men’s Health in the Workplace Tickets, Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 1:30 PM | Eventbrite Looking at core issues affecting mens’ health in the workplace and how to better support men at work. 

June’s dates at a glance:


5 – Yom Yerushalayim, Judaism
7 – Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Catholic Christian
12-13 – Shavuot, Judaism
13 – Feast of the Ascension, Orthodox Christian
15-19 – Hajj, Islam
16 – Waqf Al Arafa, Islam
16 – Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev, Sikh
17-20 – Eid Al-Adha, Islam
20 – Litha, Wicca and Pagan
22 – Saturday of Souls, Orthodox Christian
23 – Pentecost, Orthodox Christian
24 – Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, Christian
25 – Eid Al-Ghadir, Islam
29 – Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Christian

Awareness and Events

4 – International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
8 – Global Wellness Day
9 – Race Unity Day
10-16 – Men’s Health Week
12 – World Day Against Child Labour
15 – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
16 – Father’s Day
17-23 – Refugee Week
18 – Autistic Pride Day
20 – World Refugee Day
20 – Summer Solstice
22 – UK Windrush Day
24-28 – School Diversity Week
27-28 – TUC’s LGBT+ Conference