February dates for your diary

Calendar snapshots

1st February: Chinese New Year

This huge celebration is also known as Spring Festival and, as Chinese people return home to see family, creates one of the biggest movements of people worldwide. Celebrations include sweeping out the home, giving gifts of money in traditional red envelopes, putting up traditional paper decorations and eating special foods.

5th February: Vasant Panchami

This festival also welcomes spring and kicks off preparations for Holi, another Indian celebration. Hindus and Jains pray to Goddess Saraswati and many dress in yellow to symbolise the new beginnings of the season.

27th February: Meatfare Sunday

For Orthodox Christians, this date is the last opportunity to eat meat before Lent begins, and many will fast until Easter. Celebrations on this day tend to involve getting together with family and feasting on meat, in preparation for the forty days of privation ahead.


February calendar

1stChinese New Year – Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist
Imbolc – Lughnassadh – Wicca/Pagan
World Hijab Day
World Interfaith Harmony Week begins
2ndCandlemas (Presentation of Christ in the Temple) – Christian
3rdSetsubun-sai – Shinto
4thWorld Cancer Day
5thVasant Panchami – Hindu
6thZacchaeus Sunday – Orthodox Christian
Time to Talk Day
7thUK Race Equality Week begins
8thSafer Internet Day
11thInternational Day of Women and Girls in Science
World Day of the Sick
12thRed Hand Day for Child Soldiers
13thTriodion begins – Orthodox Christian
Autism Sunday
14thSaint Valentine’s Day
15thParinirvana Day/Nirvana Day – Buddhist
International Childhood Cancer Day
16thMagha Puja (Sangha Day) – Buddhist
17thWorld Human Spirit Day
20thSunday of the Prodigal Son – Orthodox Christian
World Day of Social Justice
25thIntercalary Days begin – Baha’i
International stand up to Bullying Day
27thMeatfare Sunday – Orthodox Christian
28thLailat al Miraj – Islam

Are you celebrating any festivals this month? Please get in touch and tell us all about it! Email nicole.kershaw@newham.gov.uk.

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