Staff Member’s Story: Katy Frankland, TLS bookings team

This month, we would like to introduce one of our team who works behind the scenes to keep our customers supplied with linguists: meet Katy Frankland, one of the TLS bookings team. 

“I work for the ODI team for TLS.  This mostly involves answering calls from the booking officers, taking their details and sourcing and connecting an interpreter to match their needs. We also have to assist with pre-booked appointments and general enquiries from both the requesters and the interpreters.”

“The role has evolved greatly since I first started in October 2022. There have been great improvements to the IT systems we use, and it is definitely a lot busier. It can be hard work when it is call after call but it is satisfying to interact with the interpreters and learn about them and their cultures.”

“I work from home so it’s good to have the great back up team to assist with our enquiries.”

“I have had short term work in France and Holland and worked in Tenerife for 9 years, so I have an interest in languages. I have two sons: Daniel who is 16 and Olly who is 14 – and Gary the cat. I live in Baildon in West Yorkshire but I am a massive Everton supporter.”

“My proudest moment so far has been going to see my son pass out in the Royal Navy last month. I hope to have many more years working here with all the lovely staff at TLS.”