July 2023 dates for your diary

Calendar snapshots

10th – Martyrdom of the Báb

Martyrdom of the Báb remembers the execution of Sayyed ʻAlí Muḥammad Shírází, aka the Báb and one of the founders of the Bahai religion. In 1850, he was charged with apostasy by the Persian Empire and imprisoned along with his followers. He was killed by a firing squad.

14th – International Non Binary People’s Day

Since its launch in 2012, this day raises awareness of the specific issues facing non binary people. The date was chosen as it falls exactly halfway between International Women’s Day in March and International Men’s Day in November.

19th – Islamic New Year

The Islamic calendar month of Muharram is the first of the year and it renews in 2023 in the Gregorian month of July, though this changes every year. Muslims do not generally hold big celebrations on this day, however in some Muslim-majority countries it is a national holiday.

This month’s dates at a glance


3 – Feast of The Saint Thomas the Apostle, Christian

3 – Asalha Puja (Dharma Day), Buddhist

5 – Birthday of Guru Hargobind, Sikh

10 – Martyrdom of The Báb, Baha’i

15 – Saint Vladimir the Great Day, Orthodox Christian

19 – Islamic New Year, Islam

22 – Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene, Christian

23 – Birthday of Guru Har Krishan, Sikh

23 – Birthday of Emperor Haile Selassie, Rastafari

24 – Pioneer Day, Mormon Christian

25 – Saint James the Great’s Day, Christian

27 – Tish’a B’av, Judaism

28 – Ashura, Islam

 Awareness and events

14 – International Non-Binary People’s Day

18 – Nelson Mandela International Day

28 – World Hepatitis Day