Your month ahead – important dates for February
14, Lailat al-Bara’ah, Islam
Lailat al-Bara’ah translates into English as ‘night of forgiveness’ and marks an evening in which many Muslims pray for forgiveness and fast. Some believe that your destiny for the year ahead is determined by God on this night. The occasion usually falls roughly two weeks before the start of Ramadan, the Holy Month.
23, Meatfare Sunday, Orthodox Christian
This is the third Sunday in the three-week pre-Lent period, and from this point until the end of Lent, observant Orthodox Christians refrain from eating meat (though they can still eat dairy and eggs for the final week until Lent begins). The day focuses on Christ’s final judgement, aiming to focus followers’ minds on good deeds.
January’s dates at a glance
2 Imbolc/Candlemas, Wicca and Pagan
2 Vasant Panchami, Hindu, Sikh and Jain
2 Zacchaeus Sunday, Orthodox Christian
3 Setsubun-sai, Shinto
9 Triodion begins, Orthodox Christian
10 Guru Harrai Jayanti, Sikh
11 Thaipusam, Hindu
13 Magha Puja, Buddhist
13 Tu Bishvat, Judaism
14 Valentine’s Day, Christian
14. Lailat al Bara’ah, Islam
15 Nirvana Day, Buddhist
16 Sunday of the Prodigal Son, Orthodox Christian
22 Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Catholic Christian
22 Saturday of Souls, Orthodox Christian
23 Meatfare Sunday, Orthodox Christian
25-28 Intercalary days, Baha’i
26 Maha Shivratri, Hindu
28 Losar begins, Buddhist
28 Ramadan begins (subject to moon sighting), Islam
Awareness and Events
1 World Hijab Day
1-7 World Interfaith Harmony Week
3-9 UK Race Equality Week
3-9 Children’s Mental Health Week
4 World Cancer Day
6 Time to Talk Day
6 International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
11 Safer internet Day
11 International Day of Women and Girls in Science
12 Red Hand Day for Child Soldiers
15 International Childhood Cancer Day
17 World Human Spirit Day
20 World Day of Social Justice