Meet the team - Naveeda Mahmod

Meet the Team: Naveeda Mahmood, Intepreter


Every month, we introduce you to one of The Language Shop team. This month, meet Naveeda Mahmood, one of our interpreters who works in Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi and English. Find out about how she got to grips with Zoom over lockdown and her passion for baking!

What’s been your favourite project at tls?

As an interpreter I enjoy interacting with people generally, but on a personal level I have learnt tremendously from the talking therapies and physiotherapy.

What’s been the biggest challenge?

Covid and all the changes it brought with it. All the technology, like Zoom, was new to me. Working from home, staying put and interacting with people only on the phone was a challenge.

If you didn’t do your current job, what would you like to do?

I would have been a teacher in adult education, teaching either English or cookery (baking preferably).

Tell us something interesting about you

I love baking and trying new recipes. I try new dishes all the time and have taken courses in baking and cake decorating.

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I would love to meet our prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was the perfect human being, he preached Allah's message (the Quran) to humanity. He set an example for us all.

What are your ambitions for 2021?

I would like to complete my Interpreting level 4 course. Also I would like to do a course in cupping.

Say hello to Naveeda on The Language Shop's social media – we are on FacebookTwitter and LinkedInKeep up to date with all our latest news here.