Meet The Team: English and Spanish face to face interpreter Tania Rodriguez

Every month, we introduce you to one of The Language Shop (tls) team. This month, meet Tania Rodriguez, a face to face interpreter working in English and Spanish.

Tell us about the role you do for tls

I translate the spoken conversation from one language to another, in sectors such as healthcare and welfare. I find it exciting because in this way interpreters are breaking this language barrier, making the client/patient safer, confident and informed.

What’s been your favourite project at tls?

I could say that I cannot choose just one project because the work that TLS does is absolutely stunning. My favourite part on this job is mental health bookings as the patient can be themselves, talking in their own language

without missing any details. This is really crucial and makes a positive impact on the therapies.

What has been your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge was to combine my studies of Community Interpreter with a full-time job and at the same time rehearsing for a play in a drama group!

If you didn’t do your current job, what would you like to do?

I think I would carry on my studies to work as an acting coach or a drama teacher, but it is hard to think about not doing my current job, as I could say interpreting is my passion.

Tell us something interesting about you.

Two of my main skills are my active listening and capacity to retain information and reproduce long paragraphs or long statements etc. In the past I did not find this very useful, but in this role I can deliver good work due these skills and find it really rewarding. And I feel I can help the community by delivering an accurate translation.

If you could meet someone, living or dead, who would it be and why

There are so many personalities that I admire and I could learn from. I could say Mike Leigh, because he is my favourite director. He implemented a new acting technique, promoting improvisation and being natural, with hard work and creativity.

What are your ambitions for the next 12 months?

Carry on working for The Language Shop interpreting, as well as helping other interpreters develop, and to deliver good work, maybe as an assessor if that is possible.


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