Meet The Team: Amy Soutter, Head of Client Delivery

Every month, we introduce you to one of our team. This month, meet Amy Soutter, Head of Client Delivery.

Tell us about the role you do for TLS.

I am the Head of Client Delivery. I work with the customer and operations teams in language services and examinations to ensure the successful delivery of our major contracts, including projects. I am also responsible for client reporting and issue resolution. I manage the interpreter engagement functions too, ensuring there is a feedback loop between TLS and interpreters.

What’s been your favourite project at TLS?

This is very hard for me to answer! They are so varied. Recent highlights would be the video project we completed with Newham Council, where we created videos for residents in different languages, and the development of our on-demand service with Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Trust. I also really enjoy working on the examinations side of the business as there are always new challenges, something different every day.

What has been your biggest challenge?

The transition of the interpreting service from majority F2F provision to telephone/video during the Covid-19 lockdown. We had to change the way that we delivered interpreting services extremely quickly, as well as manage working remotely. It was a very hectic, uncertain time but we managed it. The remote service is now our largest, and growing.

If you didn’t do your current job, what would you like to do?

Growing up, I wanted to go into publishing, as I did a literature degree and love books. However, I did an internship at a publishing house when I was at university and decided it wasn’t for me. So, now I think it would probably be working with animals in some capacity. I cat-sit and dog-walk outside of work and I love it, so probably working with rescue animals.

Tell us something interesting about you.

During lockdown, I became very interested in birds/birdwatching. My (not so) hidden talent is identifying birds by their call. In 2020/2021, my boyfriend and I travelled to lots of different RSPB sites and bird reserves to spot rare birds. Since the world has opened up, we haven’t been able to do it as much, but we are trying to keep it up as we enjoyed it so much!

If you could meet someone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I think it would be Georgia O’Keeffe, an American artist who died in 1986. She was prolific and created stunning abstract paintings but had to deal with sexist analysis of her art throughout her career. She was a non-conformist and a pioneer of modernism, and she created for herself rather than the art establishment. There are lots of artists I’d love to meet, but she’s probably my top choice.

What are your ambitions for the next 12 months?

Professionally, to continue delivering innovative, exciting projects for our customers.

Personally, we are hoping to buy a house so fingers crossed we will manage that within 12 months!

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