February dates for your diary

Calendar snapshots

2nd      Imbolc, Pagan/Wicca

Falling at the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, this ancient festival marks the beginning of spring. Where Christianity and the old traditions have merged, the day is also celebrated by honouring St Brigid. Traditionally, straw dolls were made in her image and beds laid out in each home, to welcome her visit and blessing of the livestock.

18th     Lailat al Miraj, Islamic

Lailat al Miraj remembers the Prophet Mohammed’s ascension into heaven. It is celebrated by Muslims across the world, with special prayers and a telling of the story, in which the Prophet received instructions from God for the Salat, the requirement for Muslims to pray five times per day.

22nd    Ash Wednesday, Christian

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in the Western Christian calendar. It is observed by attending special services at church, where ashes are used to mark people’s foreheads. These are made by burning the palm crosses from Palm Sunday, the weekend before. Christians often leave the ash on their foreheads all day as a public profession of their faith.

This month’s dates at a glance


2 – Imbolc*/Candlemas – Wicca and Pagan

3 – Setsunbun-sai – Shinto

5 – Triodion begins – Orthodox Christian

5 – Thaipusam – Hindu

6 – Tu BiShvat – Judaism

12 – Sunday of the prodigal son – Orthodox Christian

14 – Valentine’s day – Christian

15 – Nirvana day – Buddhist

18 – Maha Shivratri – Hindu

Lailat al-Miraj – Islam

19 – Meatfare Sunday – Orthodox Christian

21 – Losar begins – Buddhist

21 – Shrove Tuesday – Christian

22 – Ash Wednesday (start of Lent)- Christian

22 – Feast of the chair of Saint Peter – Catholic Christian

26 Feb-1 Mar – Intercalary days – Baha’i

26 – Cheesefare Sunday – Orthodox Christian

27 – Great Lent begins – Orthodox Christian

 Awareness and events

1 – World Hijab Day

1-7 – World Interfaith Harmony Week

2 – Time To Talk Day

4 – World Cancer Day

6 – International Day Of Zero Tolerance To Female Genital Mutilation

6-12 – UK Race Equality Week

6-12 – Children’s Mental Health Week

7 – Safer Internet Day

11 – International Day Of Women And Girls In Science

12 – Red Hand Day For Child Soldiers

15 – International Childhood Cancer Day

17 – World Human Spirit Day

20 – World Day Of Social Justice