Service under the Spotlight: On Demand Telephone Interpreting

Each month, we will be getting better acquainted with a TLS service; when and why you might need it, how to book it and how to make the most of the booking.

You may be new to the world of booking language support, or perhaps you book the same service each time because you don’t know what else is out there, or perhaps you have never considered that something different might work for you – this is for you!

In this issue, we are looking at our On Demand Telephone Interpreting. This is arranged by calling up our designated ODTI line and we will connect you by phone to an interpreter at any time of day, with no notice needed.

It is for you if:

You need an interpreter at short notice.

It is not for you if:

You need an interpreter for a more sensitive or complex subject, where body language, visual cues or establishing trust may be important.

When it works best:

As participants in the conversation cannot see each other, this kind of interpreting works best for simple and brief interactions, eg a ten minute GP appointment for a minor illness.

Tips to get the most from your booking:

  • To make sure everyone can be heard well, try to choose a location that is quiet and use a landline rather than a mobile where possible
  • Introductions are even more important when participants cannot see each other; ensure you do a thorough introduction at the outset of the call. If it is not obvious who is speaking, you may want each speaker to identify themselves every time they speak
  • A smile can be heard in your voice. Smiling when you talk can help to put your service user at ease with what is probably an unfamiliar situation.

If you would like to know more or make an on demand telephone booking, call our bookings team for guidance and support on 0808 175 1230.

Meet the Team: Natalia Bailey, On-demand Telephone Interpreting Mentor

Every month, we introduce you to one of The Language Shop team. This month, meet Natalia Bailey, tls' On-demand Telephone Interpreting Mentor, who tells us all about what it's like to settle into a new job while working remotely and some of her favourite social events she's organised for the team.

Tell us about what you do at tls?

I assist the team with their queries, provide training and feedback for their personal development and help them provide a better service to our clients. I am also part of the work council; this is a small group who work to improve our company, services and working lives. We also plan some fun socials for over Zoom to bring everyone together, but are hoping to get out into the real world when it’s safe to do so.

What’s been your favourite thing to work on at tls so far?

I created a quiz for our last Christmas party. It was a full PowerPoint with playlists, timings, questions and emojis, which I think went down well. My other favourite project to work on was our ‘Would I Lie to You’ social. The tls council came up with the idea and me and my colleague Shah were the hosts - it was such a funny evening!

What do you most enjoy about working at tls?

The amazing team I work with every day and the whole company, who have been incredibly welcoming and supportive. Everyone has made it so easy for me to settle in and it’s strange to say but I have extremely good working relationships and friendships with people I haven’t actually met yet in person.

If you didn’t do your current job, what would you like to do?

I think for the first time I am exactly where I need to be, but if I had to do something else it would definitely be something that makes a difference and helps people. If I ever won the lottery I would adopt all the poorly treated horses, donkeys, dogs and cats and give them a place to live happily and peacefully.

Tell us something interesting about you

I have an extra bone in each foot and one of them actually has a permanent screw in it. I lived in Prague for short time, which was incredible. I have a horse, his name is Oliver Twist, I have had him for 18 years and he is just the best horse I could ever ask for.

If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Tough question! I’d say Sir Alex Ferguson or Ben Stokes because I would love to ask about the last World Cup and his super over, or the presenters of A League of Their Own, as I think it would just be absolutely hilarious.

What are your ambitions for next year?

I have achieved so much in 2021. I applied for the Mentor position, which I was so happy to be successful for. I bought my first car and successfully moved our wedding to a date next year with all our original suppliers. We are also hoping to buy our first property.

Say hello to Natalia on The Language Shop's social media – we are on FacebookTwitter and LinkedInKeep up to date with all our latest news here.