Secure remote examinations

tls remote examinations allow military
organisations to assess their language capabilities
anytime, anywhere, reducing costs, increasing
operational efficiency and improving safety.

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    24/7 365

    Military personnel can take their examinations at anytime, anywhere in the world


    Assessment can be taken on any laptop or computer using a web-based application that requires no specialist software


    No need for personnel to attend test centres for exams

    Reduced costs

    No unnecessary travel for military personnel, or associated operational and administration costs

    Candidates 1st

    Personnel can sit their exams only when they are ready, according to their individual learning rather than a fixed exam timetable


    Exams for all standards and all ranks, from ‘survival’ to ‘expert’


    Assessment platform can be tailored to huge range of assessment and question types


    Examinations are conducted and recorded via a secure state-of-the-art video connection with AI supported live proctoring


    tls is the exclusive remote examinations provider to the UK Ministry of Defence

    Proud to work with

    tls has been providing industry leading language services across the UK for over 30 years.

    Ministry of Defence

    In July 2020, tls was awarded an exclusive contract for the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) to deliver all STANAG 6001 assessments for the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Airforce.

    A comprehensive service

    Anytime, anywhere

    tls remote examinations and assessments offer the ultimate speed, flexibility, and efficiency. They can be taken from any location in any time zone at any time of day or night. Exams can be conducted individually or in large groups to suit the specific requirements of the candidate or unit.

    Every level, every rank

    We assess every level of proficiency for every military rank, from survival level right up to the complex language skills required by intelligence officers or for senior-ranking personnel operating in diplomatic circles. Assessments can be made against a range of standards including NATO STANAG 6001 and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) amongst others.

    Any language

    tls assessments are available in more than 70 different languages, covering the four core skills required by military personnel - reading, writing, listening and speaking.

    A flexible solution

    tls can provide a full end-to-end solution requiring little or no customer intervention. This extends from writing examination papers all the way through to results presentation and candidate feedback. Equally, we can support and supplement an existing solution by providing one or more of the following:

    Paper writing/item creation
    Candidate management
    Exam software
    Assessment delivery
    Appeals handling
    Quality assurance

    Complete candidate support

    tls guides candidates through the whole process, providing thorough instructions and one-to-one support to ensure everyone performs to the best of their ability. Test calls with every candidate troubleshoot any technical or environmental issues and provide the opportunity for candidates to ask questions in advance of the exam.

    Bespoke technology and infrastructure

    The tls Assessment Management System (AMS) incorporates AI and human proctoring and a highly adaptable learning management platform. The system allows a huge range of question and response types in any language, including multiple choice, typed, handwritten, voice recording and one-to-one video. This provides far greater flexibility than is possible with a paper-based exam. The system is browser based; there is no need for any specialist technology and the environment is highly secure.

    Security and traceability

    Candidate authentication

    Multi-factor authentication eliminates any risk of impersonation

    Secure browser technology

    Prevents candidates from accessing applications or the internet during exams

    Multiple camera solutions

    Option of using a candidate’s mobile to provide a second “over the shoulder” view

    Human proctoring

    Candidates’ behaviour and actions are monitored by trained invigilators through their webcam. Remote methods improve security by allowing a higher ratio of invigilators to candidates than is usually possible in person

    AI proctoring

    Suspicious activity (e.g. detection of a mobile phone) are flagged to invigilators by the system

    Data security

    All files are stored on secure servers, encrypted and password protected

    Digital only

    Examinations are carried out with the tls AMS, so papers cannot be downloaded or printed

    Session recordings

    Candidates’ screens and webcams are fully recorded so sessions can be reviewed if there are any post-exam concerns

    Quality assurance

    As well as providing a unique remote examination solution, tls also has an in-house assurance team for assessing third-party interpreters and translators. Even though language skills of military interpreters can mean the difference between life and death, their work often goes unchecked. tls quality assurance provides the answer. We have one of the most expansive registers of professional foreign language assessors and our systems are tried and tested across UK Government to meet the most rigorous security standards. We can assess security restricted material using our team of vetted staff