Bailey (aka Bee) Sage, Graduate Projects Executive

Every month, we introduce you to one of our team. This month, meet Bailey (aka Bee) Sage, Graduate Projects Executive.


1)   Tell us about the role you do for TLS   

I joined TLS in October 2021 as a Graduate Projects Executive. Since then, I’ve been a part of the Examination Team. There is quite a variety in the work we do when producing and conducting remote exams, but I spend a lot of my time assisting with the creation of exam materials and supporting the rest of my team in other areas.


2)   What’s been your favourite project at TLS?

My favourite project has probably been expanding our exam question content bank. Although it’s something of a never-ending process, I’ve really loved working hard to try and improve the processes and quality of exams that we produce; plus it’s a great opportunity to think creatively!


3)   What has been your biggest challenge?

I think that one of my biggest challenges is also one of the things I enjoy most about my job: working from home. I love the flexibility, time, and money that I’m saved but not being forced to get up and out of the house can take its toll on my mental health sometimes.


4)   If you didn’t do your current job, what would you like to do ?

This is something that really depends on the day! I did my degree in linguistics, so a career in speech therapy or forensic linguistics would take my fancy quite nicely. That being said, my dream job would probably be to create art in any way that I can, although I have a lot of skill development to do before I can get there.


5)   Tell us something interesting about you.

In the first COVID lockdown, I shaved my head completely in the spur of the moment. It was truly the most liberating feeling and made for a beautiful, hassle-free summer. I can also wiggle my ears independently (and one at a time!).


6)   If you could meet someone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

The first person that came to my head was Vincent van Gogh. He was such a tortured, talented soul from a time so different to ours; I would just love to hear his perspective on things. A dinner table of history’s most treasured artists would be an incredible, but I suppose I would probably need to bring an interpreter along with me.


7)   What are your ambitions for the rest of the year?

I will be moving house in July and I really want to take it as an opportunity to develop some strong, positive habits that will make me healthier and happier all round. I would also like to spend more time drawing and developing skills than napping and watching TV!